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Waitangi Tribunal claim 1527


On the 28th of August 2008, Lavona Hogan, daughter of Ataiti, filed the Wai 1527 claim, a claim to the Waitangi Tribunal for Ataiti Te Rehu (Hoterene) Armstrong and Descendants, primarily concerning the Crown’s amalgamation and appropriation of land for the Te Horo Development Scheme. The foundation of the claim is the loss of tino rangatiratanga over the whenua, along with the social, cultural and economic prosperity of Ataiti and her whanau. Ataiti’s rights as an owner to live on and manage her lands were completely diminished, taken away and transferred to Maori Affairs, who gained all rights of ownership and control of her lands. In return, she was only given a shareholding in the new Te Horo Block. Below is a video of our claim presented to the Waitangi Tribual at the hearings held at Tau Henare, Pipiwai. 

WAI 1527
claim & evidence
Prepared by ARVAY

bACKGROUND OF te horo development scheme

hokia ki to whenua
Ripeka's Thesis

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