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kaikou b1

Total Shares: 1200.000
Nanny Atas Share: .304

The Kaikou block was first investigated by the Native Land Court on 18 May 1905 and the subdivisions of Kaikou A-F were issued. Further partitions occurred between 1916 and 1920. On 27 June 1917, the Kaikou B subdivision was partitioned into Kaikou B1-B8. Kaikou B1 was 908/0/00 acres and was awarded to 70 owners. It was the largest of the Kaikou B1-8 partitions. Nanny Ata had a .304 share holding in a total of 1200.000 shares in the block.11

On 17 December 1965, Kaikou A4D, A4E, A4F, B1, B2, B3A, B3B, B4, B5, B8A, B8B, C1A1A, C1A2, C1A3, C1B1, C1B2, C2, C3, C4, C5C1, C6A, C6B and D3 were amalgamated into the C1X block and then into the Te Horo block.12

In 1965, Mr Kerr’s evidence to the court simply stated: Kaikou B1 - An area of 908 acres, which is completely unimproved. It is an area of gum land which has medium to steep hill-sides and covered in scrub and light bush.


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